Mahana Lodge i Papeete

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Rue Paul Gauguin, 98713, Papeete, PF French Polynesia
Kontakter telefon: +689 89 50 49 04
Latitude: -17.5379849, Longitude: -149.5678711
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Kommentar 5

  • Doug Faunt

    Doug Faunt


    Great value if you can share a bath.

  • Fiona Scheibler

    Fiona Scheibler


    Nice Hostel in Papeete. Near the ferry terminal und in the center. The beds in the provate rooms a pretty hard and not very comfortable to lie on. Happy that I only stayed one night. The overall facilities kitchen and common are and bathrooms are great. After check out we could stay until 8 pm as our flight was late that night.

  • Paul Klima

    Paul Klima


    Clean place. Room without windows Free brekky. Staff very helpful! Cheap and new. Free WiFi

  • Spiritjewel Louise Shaw

    Spiritjewel Louise Shaw


    Helpful professional young man that owns and runs it. Clean rooms and great showers. Open shared kitchen/dining with free coffee and toast.

  • Matthias Rambo

    Matthias Rambo


    We had a pleasent stay at Mahana Lodge. Everything is new and clean. The rooms even have Air Condition and there is a large TV and a PS4 in the community area. The kitchen is equipped with everything necessary. Breakfast is included. And the prices are one of the best in Tahiti. Between 3000 and 3500 pp in the dorms.

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