Åben kort
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🕗 Åbningstider

Fa'a'ā, French Polynesia
Kontakter telefon: +689 40 86 61 96
Latitude: -17.5598347, Longitude: -149.6100063
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Kommentar 3

  • shane falslev

    shane falslev


    When we arrived they did not have the car we reserved, Gave us a small car and told us we could come back in a couple days to switch. The car we had kept killing, engine light came on, took it back the next day and they gave us a stepway, much better than the junky first car. They charged us way more than it should have been based on the reservation. Upon returning the car they kept trying to charge for scratches that was just dirt. I rubbed it off and she still argued about the was dirt scratch, basically trying to find things to add to the total. Will not use them again nor recommend them!

  • Maryam Tohidi

    Maryam Tohidi


    Friendly staff. They offered pick up and drop off from our hotel and had a competitive price. No problems.

  • Malherbe Franck

    Malherbe Franck


    Fuyez !!! Pratique commercial hors norme : 1-Réservation par téléphone à l'hôtel, arrivé à l'aéroport le prix n'est pas respecté 2-Inspection rapide de la voiture dans la pénombre, au retour la responsable de l'agence se dirige directement vers une petite marque de la grosseur d'un ongle et menace de ne pas me rendre ma caution À bon entendeur...bon courage

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