Teamo Hostel i Papeete

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8, rue du Point Neuf, Papeete, Fransk Polynesien
Kontakter telefon: +689 40 42 47 26
Latitude: -17.5401437, Longitude: -149.562817
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Kommentar 3

  • Alberto tabellini

    Alberto tabellini


  • Emmanuel Beaufils

    Emmanuel Beaufils


  • James Clarke

    James Clarke


    Physical Assault by owner. I stayed at the Teamo Hostel/Pension 3 times during my trip to Tahiti. On the third occasion, the owner barged into my room, accused me (falsely) of turning on the air-conditioning and began to abuse my verbally. I was extremely shocked and calmly explained that this was impossible, since guests do not have access to the remote controller for the air-con. He then shouted 'Shut Up!' at me 6 times and shoved me in the chest with both hands, violently enough to make force me back two full paces. It was quite a bizarre scene and extremely upsetting to me. Were it not for the fact that his lovely wife Kay was so kind to me during my stay I should certainly have registered a complaint with the local police. As it is, I am only alerting the local tourist authorities. Aside from that the men's dorm is suffocatingly hot, has no fan and is infested with mosquitoes. If you need to stay in Papeete overnight, try the Pension Puea or the Ahitea Lodge. Teamo is probably the cheapest place to stay, but even if you are not abused by the owner, it really is not worth the hassle, the discomfort and the risk.

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