Place Vai'ete i Pape'ete

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Pape'ete, French Polynesia
Kontakter telefon: +689
Latitude: -17.5376342, Longitude: -149.568738
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Kommentar 5

  • Stephane Aubry

    Stephane Aubry


    An amazing place for food lovers. During day time there is not much going on, but at night time this place transforms it self into a food paradise. Take a tour of the different roulottes and indulge your self into a food festival of Tahitien cuisine. A must try dish is the poisson crue...

  • Benjamin B

    Benjamin B


    Place Vai'ete in the heart of Papeete by the harbour in a great place to hang out. With for a stroll in the afternoon to enjoy the shade of the many trees on in the evening to enjoy a casual dinner at the famous 'roulottes' you should enjoy your time at place Vai'ete. Note that the roulottes are not licensed to sell alcoholic beverages but I believe you can bring your own.

  • James McArthur

    James McArthur


    Historical building in a quiet suburban setting. The grounds are nice.

  • April Gilliland

    April Gilliland


    Nice view during the day. There are public washrooms. At night enjoy the beautiful sunset with an open air dinner from one of the many roulettes or food trucks. The stars are beautiful to gaze up at as you have dessert.

  • Andreas Stenberg

    Andreas Stenberg


    Great place with lots of mobile restaurants setting up every night around 18:00. Large selection of food ranging from Chinese, local fresh tuna specialties, great burgers and why not finish your meal off with a crepe. Only slight drawback is there is no alcohol served so if you prefer a beer or a glass of wine with dinner you might have to look elsewhere.

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