Mana'o Tattoo Studio i Papeete

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Rue Albert Leboucher, 98714, Papeete, PF Polinesia Francesa
Kontakter telefon: +689 40 42 45 00
Latitude: -17.5365421, Longitude: -149.5673596
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Kommentar 5




    I was here on may 24th and received one of the most amazing tattoos I have ever gotten. My newly acquired wife and I went in for her first tatoo. We wanted to make it special and the told us how symbols in the tattoo could link us together with family, kids, life, courage, travel and even symbols for each other. We set the appointment for the last day of our honeymoon. We had the amazing Julio draw mine out and he had to draw mine out as it was a little more in size. She got hers drawn right on her back. We did put down a deposit when we made the appointment and the price was definitely less then what they do here in California. None the less let the photos speak for themselves. Mine is still healing so ignore the white scabbing.

  • Amaya Killick

    Amaya Killick


    Fantastic artists, great feeling and atmosphere.

  • Arnaud Delaunay

    Arnaud Delaunay


    Merci à Raufara pour le superbe tattoo qu'il m'a fait. Près de 3h de dessin et 5h de piquage pour un résultat au top. Le lendemain, 3 polynésiens m'ont dit que j'avais un "très joli tattoo", ça veut tout dire !

  • Oli oli

    Oli oli


    Ils font de super tatouages; j'y suis allé il y a un an, Pierrot m'a réalisé un superbe requin sur l'épaule; mauururu l'artiste !! la prochaine fois je retournerai chez eux pour un deuxième tatouage

  • Javi Tamina

    Javi Tamina


    Local de tatuajes muy bueno

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