Hotel Sarah Nui i Papeete

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BP 4354 Fare Tony, Papeete 98713, Polinezja Francuska
Kontakter telefon: +689 40 50 35 30
Latitude: -17.5317748, Longitude: -149.5674473
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Kommentar 5

  • Julien Terrones

    Julien Terrones


    Hôtel vétuste, service désorganisé et chambre très mal insonorisée ! On a l'impression de dormir au milieu de la route ! La salle de bains est plutôt sale... bref un conseil : FUYEZ !

  • N B

    N B


    Run down place with seemingly untrained staff. Rooms could use some updating, entrance area is anything but welcoming. Close to the ferry and the center, but I wouldn't wanna stay here more than one night.

  • John Daniel Biason

    John Daniel Biason


    L'albergo è pulito, a buon prezzo, il personale è cordiale ed è vicinissimo al porto e alle roulotte xtanto mangiare assicurato a notte inoltrata. Il neo sono le pareti della.stanza assai macchiata di unto, mentre che la.seconda volta che andai era in buone condizioni

  • Florence Yuen

    Florence Yuen


    We spent a total of 4 nights before and after the cruise. We find the hotel needs some refurbishment. But overall we get the basic needs of a 3 started hotel. The most impressive is the staffs are nice and friendly, in particular Maya (I hope that is the correct spelling). We have a one day to spare before flying back home and she has done all she can to find something nice for us to do on that date. We ended up hiring a car for making a round the island tour. Thanks once again Maya for your great assistance so we have a wonderful finale of our trip in French Polynesia.

  • Nigel Duhaney

    Nigel Duhaney


    This is not a resort or vacation hotel. It is in a very central area walking distance to the cruise and ferry port. It is right in the middle of town however the area is extremely dirty and run down. The airport taxi charges 10 usd per person. As far as the hotel, the staff not very professional or even knowledgeable. The physical condition of the hotel is below average but ok for a night stay. The bed is very old and soft from wear. Food is extremely limited in the hotel to cheese pizza only. Outside in the day are many restaurants but at night very limited as everything closes early. To summarize, I would only book here for night stay to catch a cruise or flight the next day. Otherwise you will be disappointed.

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