Fare Suisse i Papeete

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Papeete, Polinesia Francesa
Kontakter telefon: +689 87 76 81 21
Hjemmeside: www.fare-suisse.com
Latitude: -17.5458024, Longitude: -149.5742883
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Kommentar 5

  • Sally Weidner

    Sally Weidner


    Very hospitable owners. Airport and cruise ship shuttle are provided. Beds and pillows are very comfortable. Room is very clean. Highly recommend.

  • Jonathan Lorber

    Jonathan Lorber


    BE AWARE: This is a private house that has been converted to a guest house / B&B; don't expect even basic hotel level amenities. Unfortunately, we trusted all of the extremely positive online reviews. This place was more like a hostel. POSITIVES: the hosts were excellent! They are very nice people and they went out of their way to try to accommodate us and drove us to and from the airport for free and on short notice. NEGATIVES: First room (Tahiti) was 12' x 12' room with a small attached bathroom, when we opened the door to the room, it was at least 95 degrees inside with no air movement. The air conditioning system was not on and the ceiling fan was broken and would not turn on. We immediately turned on the AC which made an extremely loud grinding noise- no way to sleep with the AC on. Several flies were in the room and the place actually looked and felt like a prison cell - the accomodations were extremely minimal. When Beni (one of the hosts) returned from picking up more guests from the airport, he moved us into a second room (Bora); it was much bigger, but the furniture was very basic and looked warn out as well. This room was also very hot inside (no air movement at all). We turned on the air conditioning and it started to cool down. After a few minutes, we noticed that there were ants everywhere. I went to put a bag down on the "Day Bed" and ants literally came crawling out of the comforter- it was absolutely disgusting. But we were exhausted and it was late and we just wanted to get some sleep after a very long day of traveling. There were so many ants in the room, that my wife and I removed the comforter and stripped the top sheet from the main bed and she slept on top of the bed sheet fully clothed. There were also ants crawling around the room- we ended up having ants crawling through our luggage and they were even in the bed by morning! If that wasn't bad enough, there was a constant dripping noise right outside of our room, (it seemed to be coming from a condensation drain from an adjacent room's AC unit on the roof above) that would not stop- it was like being waterboarded all night. To top it off, we heard Roosters crowing all night, and then dogs barking at the roosters. Needless to say, we did not sleep at all and it was a miserable experience. Again, the hosts were very nice people and I wish I had more positives; but I wanted to write a truthful account of our experience to help paint a picture of what we experienced for other guests. In all fairness, we only paid $95 for the night- maybe they need to raise the rates and get additional help to combat their bug/ant problems, update the rooms and achieve better on-going maintenance on their property.

  • Steffel R

    Steffel R


    Clean, charming place with nice garden. Very friendly and helpful host, pickup and drop off service included.

  • Keki Wilson

    Keki Wilson


    I stayed at Fare Suisse in late November 2017. Located a 5 minute drive from the Ferry Terminal, the rooms have its own bathroom, air con and is clean. The host will also provide transport either to/from airport. This is a great alternative to staying at a resort if you want something basic and reasonably priced. An easy 15 minute stroll to the markets and les roulottes that are located in the park next to the ferry terminal. Breakfast is optional and the staff are very hospitable in helping out with tours or advice.

  • ma chic

    ma chic


    J'ai téléphoné à plusieurs reprises le même jour au 87768121 aucune réponse, toujours sur messagerie, j'ai fini par laisser un message en précisant que j’espérai que se soit le bon numéro car il n'y a pas d'annonce d'accueil sur leur répondeur. 5 heurs plus tard n'ayant pas de réponse j'ai retenté ma chance et là une voix de femme mûre a répondu j'ai donc expliqué avoir laissé un message et demandé si il y a avait une raison pour que l'on ne rappelle pas ? et la la femme m'a dit qu'elle écoutait son répondeur quand elle le voulait et répondait si elle le voulait a qui elle voulait, ma dit au revoir . j'ai rappelé pensant a une mauvaise blague, plusieurs fois, mais je suis tombé sur la messagerie...Voila mon expérience, alors si vous êtes satisfaits du lieux , tenez vous à carreaux car a vous êtes chez une caractérielle..Faites travailler d'autres pensions des gens qui respectent leur métier, , celle femme de toute évidence n'attend plus après notre argent pour vivre sa fortune doit être faite et son caractère aussi.

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