Flughafen Tahiti i Faa'a

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Faa'a, Französisch-Polynesien
Kontakter telefon: +689 40 86 60 61
Hjemmeside: tahiti-aeroport.pf
Latitude: -17.5586105, Longitude: -149.6106165
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Kommentar 5

  • gibson ts

    gibson ts


    Had a 5 hour stop over from LA to Auckland. Arrived at 5am to welcome island musicians on a warm balmy morning. Comfortable open air lounge with upholstered sofa's, layed out in alcoves so you can sit and chat. Cafe opened at 6am with pastries and coffee that accepts credit cards. Shower avaiable in toilets which are clean and new. A small selection of duty free stores including local crafts, clothes and jewellery. 5 hours flew by. Nice stop over. If you where there longer during daylight you can pop out to local hotels (orginal review transfered from gibsonts Gmail account - original posted 30 SEP 2016)

  • Stephane Aubry

    Stephane Aubry


    Lovely medium sized airport of Tahiti. This is the only internatonal airport in Tahiti. If you want to fly further to any islands belonging to French Polynesia, you must first fly in to Tahiti. From there all islands can be connected with local flights. Sometimes even with water landing airplanes. There are also a few pearl shops for late shoppers...

  • thomas rodrian

    thomas rodrian


    The Fa'a'ā International Airport is an open-air airport near Papeete. I think it is a best low-key airport I have ever flown into. With the tropical plants growing all around the airport, I think it is one of the most beautiful too. On our first trip to French Polynesia, we flew into here and then transferred to a cruise ship. On the next trip, we stopped here on our way to Bora Bora – the prettiest island in the South Pacific.

  • Paso8



    der Traum kann beginnen:-) mit einem herzlichen Empfang:-)

  • Simone Cutruneo

    Simone Cutruneo


    Mega süsser Flughafen! Sehr freundliches und hilfbereites Personal!

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